Validate Media Object files physically exist in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
24 Aug 2012Media Objects are method to store a file attachment to a record within the EnterpriseOne ERP system. The gist of the process is there is a table (F00165) that will store a pointer to a physical file location stored on a server. Occasionally these physical files will be deleted due to bugs within EnterpriseOne (ex: OLE’s being linked to more than 1 transaction, etc…) or by user error where the file is physically deleted from the media object server.
I created this powershell script to go through F00165 media object table and verify that the file still physically exists. If it does not it will write a record to a CSV file to be reviewed later. Please note this is performed on an Oracle database, but can be application to any database with minor modifications.
################################################################## # Validate_Media_Object_Files.ps1 # Created: 12/20/2010 # Author: Me # Summary: Fetch all file and OLE media object records from the F00165 table. # Then verify the file exists in the location specified (should always be media object server. ################################################################## #------------------------ # Inits #------------------------ [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("C:\ora10g\\bin\2.x\Oracle.DataAccess.dll") $connectionString = "Data Source=XXXXX;User Id=XXXXXXXX;Password=tXXXXXXX;" $connection = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection($connectionString) $connection.Open() $queryString = "SELECT GDOBNM, GDTXKY, GDMOSEQN, GDGTMOTYPE, GDGTFILENM, GDUSER, GDUPMJ, GDTDAY FROM F00165 WHERE GDGTMOTYPE IN (2, 5)" $command = new-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand($queryString, $connection) $mediaObjRS = $command.ExecuteReader() $files = @() # Initialize array outside loop ... $counter = 0 $filedate = get-date -format "M-d-yyyy" $outputFilename = "MissingMediaAttach" + $filedate + "_PROD.csv" #--------------------------------------- # Loop through recordset #--------------------------------------- while ($ { # Assign variables from recordset. $object = $mediaObjRS.GetString(0) $objectKey = $mediaObjRS.GetString(1) $objectSeq = $mediaObjRS.GetDecimal(2) $objectType=$mediaObjRS.GetDecimal(3) $objectFileName = $mediaObjRS.GetString(4) $objectUser = $mediaObjRS.GetString(5) $objectDate=$mediaObjRS.GetDecimal(6) $objectTime=$mediaObjRS.GetDecimal(7) #------------------------------------------------------- # Check if file exists based on filetype. #------------------------------------------------------- if($objectType -eq 2){ # Type 2 = OLE $fileLocation = "\\jdemed02\D$\E812\MEDIAOBJ\Oleque\" + $objectFileName }elseif($objectType -eq 5){ # Type 5 = FILE $fileLocation = $objectFileName } # Skip test if media object points to network share if($fileLocation.substring(1,2) -ne ":\"){ # Skip test if URL if(!$fileLocation.tolower().StartsWith("http")){ $fileExists = Test-Path $fileLocation if(!$fileExists){ #Write to output file $obj = new-object psobject -prop @{ Object = $object FileName = $objectFileName Type = $objectType Seq = $objectSeq Key = $objectKey User = $objectUser Date = $objectDate Time = $objectTime } $files += $obj $counter = $counter + 1 Write-Host "$objectKey $objectSeq $objectType $objectFileName" } } } } $files | Export-Csv $outputFilename $connection.Close() Write-Host "Record Count: " $counter